Young People in North San Diego County

24 Hour Helpline (760) 758-2514


North San Diego Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (NSDYPAA) has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Being cognizant that not all young people(or young at heart) may find our meetings (business/spiritual) and events necessary, we do not propose to be the only answer or governing body of young people in the North San Diego County area. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, we want the hand of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) always to be there. And for that: we are responsible. We ensure this by unifying young people in the North San Diego County area and by practicing the principles of A.A. through meetings, events, and outreach.


Young People’s meetings in North San Diego County

Business Meetings

Meetings 1st and 3rd Sunday at ​5:00 PM

(760) 542-8268

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